Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Purpose and Mission of this Blog

No doubt if you've come upon this blog by mistake, the name has probably given you the impression that I am a teenage follower of the Emo clique asking a question concerning razors or ropes tied into certain knots. Hopefully you have realized that this is not the case as the purpose of this blog is far different.

I am not someone who lives on the edge (and I've dumped the suicide analogy, at this point I'm referring to the cultural and technological edge). In many regards I don't even stand close enough to the cliff to see down. I, in fact, have a tendency to live so far away from the edge that the only reason I know it exists is people who are sitting merrily upon it are calling me to tell me how beautiful it is and that I should really come see it. I rarely see anything when it's new, and have a horrible habit of finding something years old, enjoying it for the first time, and bugging off my friends ears until they tell me to shut up and go blog about it.

However, I have found that oftentimes something that was fantastic when new tends to decay in quality as it gets older and older and that by the time I get around to experiencing it, I find it rather dull and a waste of my time. In these situations it is amazing to me that those who have been telling me how awesome something was will continue to call it awesome, their eyes forever scarred by the rose colored glasses they wore in their youth.

And so I come to the purpose of this blog, which is to answer the eponymous question: should I do it? While I do not dare call this a critique or a review (for I will not consistently focus on the negative nor on the positive) it is an opinion piece taken from a more modern context, and generally ignoring the hype given by years of fans wooing over it. I will do this for all types of media: books, movies, video games, et cetera. In general, I will focus on objects fitting the following criteria:

1. Object is over a year old, regardless of medium.
2. I did not experience the object when it was new
3. Object is something famous enough that people would still consider doing(reading, watching, playing, etc.) it-for example, I would consider stating my opinion on The Matrix, but not Zardoz
4. I will have recently experienced the object (note: this does not mean that things I did see a long time ago are out, only that I have to see them again, if only to make sure I am not allowing nostalgia to gather on my opinions)

I do not expect this blog to gain any size or membership, but if those scanty few who happen to wander by have something they have heard about, but never experienced, hopefully my entries can help them decide. Also, if anyone has any requests, I'm always willing to try new things.

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